Saturday, December 18, 2010

Excited week!

Helloooooooooooo friends! Week 7 is such a fun week for me..KPWKM which stands for Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development (Kementerian Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga & Masyarakat) had organized Malam Anugerah KPWKM also known as Gala Night for all agencies under that ministry..Few days before the event, i need to call and asked staffs in LPPKN whether they are going to join it or not..I need to take care of invitation cards for LPPKN and distribute it..This is such a huge event..For that night, I need to be on duty, take care of registration for all guests..Me and my other 3 friends need to handle registration for 8 agencies that joined this Gala Night which are KPWKM (Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development), NIEW (NAM Institute for the Empowerment of Women), YKN (Foundation of National Welfare), SENADA (Secretariat of Advocacy and Empowerment of Muslim Women), JPW (Departments of Women Development), JKM (Social Welfare Department of Malaysia), LPPKN (National Population and Family Development Board) and last but not least ISM (Social Institute of Malaysia)..We need to asked the guests to write down their name, give them program book and also masquerade mask for each and everyone of them..Why masquerade mask? Because the theme of the night is MASQUERADE..hihi..Puan Linda which is my boss said, this is great chance for me to get to know and get involved in ministry's event as not everyone can get this chance..It is quite tiring,but experience is much more valuable especially for internship student like me..i agreed with her..This is a grand event..They also invited Nabil and Sharifah Shahirah to be MC for that night, followed by performance by Ella and Jamal Abdillah..All 8 agencies also performed their own dance..LPPKN with the Bollywood dance..Very exciting! They danced just like a professional dancer! I felt so lucky i can be part of this event..Now i know,actually that's not easy to manage an event especially event for ministry..There are so many things need to considered because Minister YB Dato' Sri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil also come to that Gala Night..Ok then, thanks for reading! Enjoy my photos yeaaahhh! byeye..hihi..

Invitation card

Me & my masquerade mask..hihi..

With YB Dato Sri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil..wearing her masquerade mask..

YB Dato Sri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil with her officers

after the event is over ;)

Part of the guests..

* " It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities" - J.K. Rowling

6th Week~'s me again! hihi..What i have been doing for week 6? Let me share it with y0u guys..This week I joined Encik Nasir, Puan Chek Liza and Puan Khuzaimah in meeting for POL which stands for Pelan Operasi Latihan for 2011..This meeting was conducted to think of seminars that LPPKN are going to do for next year for all staffs in LPPKN..In order to produce effective staffs, training need to be given..I need to record it in excel and by joining this meeting, I can share my ideas as well..It's kind of happy feelings for me when my ideas were accepted..This is a great exposure for me as i could learn how to handle meeting and plan for the overall departments..After meeting with them and collect ideas on what seminar they are going to do for 2011, we need to do presentation in front of Head of Department,Puan Sabariah..There were few things that need to be adjusted and added according to Puan Sabariah..Afer that, changes are made and all seminars are going to be proposed for approval..That's it for week 6..Ok then,bubye :)

* Opportunities to find deeper powers within ourselves come when life seems most challenging.” - Joseph Campbell 

Monday, December 6, 2010

5th week already..What??? haha..

Hey hey, how are you doing guys? hope your internship is going well..can't believe that it's already 5 weeks we are doing our intern..It's kind of exciting when i read through my friends' blog, their experiences, happy moments and how they manage to overcome all those difficult tasks that have been assigned to them during this internship period.. Ok, let me share with you guys my task for this week..Last week, my duty is to help during the seminar..So this whole week, i need to do analysis for that seminar..After the seminar end, all the seminar participants were given form...They need to rate the seminar in term of facilities during seminar, those who give talk, and also their opinions about that seminar..After all the forms were collected, I need to count how many people very satisfied and how many not satisfied with that seminar in overall.. I also need to gather suggestions on how to enhance  this seminar to make it much more effective it in the future..I believe that's it for week 5..hihi..I'll keep you guys posted ok..bye bye..oppss,wait! thanks for reading my blog yeaaahh ;)

* " It always seems impossible until its done..." - Nelson Mandela


Hello again guys~! I'm sure all of you must be wondering what does it means with my entry title this time right??? Haha..Actually this week, (4th week of my intern) I got chance to become 'urusetia' for a seminar entitled 'Kursus Kepimpinan Strategik'..I need to help Encik Nasir and Naim who are people in charge of this seminar..I also must prepared the utilities for this seminar..This seminar was held for LPPKN officers. Two guests were invited to give their talk. Before i carry on, actually S.T.A.T.E is the short form on how to open discussions / dialogue..S-share your facts, T-tell your story, A-ask for their view, T-talk tentatively, and E- encourage try it people! It was great i can become 'urusetia' for this seminar because although I'm on duty but at the same time, i also can gain knowledge about strategic leadership..I also able to get to know more officers during this seminar because before seminar starts for each day, they will come to urusetia table and need to sign the attendance as a proof that they attend this seminar..This seminar is actually a good way to instill awareness about how to become a good leader, strategic planning skill, leadership according to Islamic perspective, crucial conversation skill and many more! I really learnt a lot..pretty tired but beneficial for me..ok then, see u guys in my next entry..chow~

* "Know yourself, know your opponents; encounter a hundred battles, win a hundred victories." - Sun Tzu

3rd week~

Heyyy guys~! As last week was pretty hectic, this week is little bit relaxed..hihi.. This week i just carry on doing task from previous week which is company registration. I have to read through all the company profiles that companies send to LPPKN in order to obtain information and fill it in the LPPKN company suppliers’ record. I need to categorized either it is male suppliers or female suppliers. By doing this, number of female suppliers can be obtained. This data is needed because they want to know how many female entrepreneurs involved in business, compared to male. I feel proud because i realized that female nowadays can actually compete with male in business field. Besides that, the company’s information must be arranged according to the alphabet. Example, if the company name starts with 'A',that company information must be arranged in file for company name that starts with 'A'..The rational for doing this is, to make finding information much more easier. As i explained in my last entry, I have to check whether they fulfill requirements needed or not such as they already register with the Ministry of Finance or not. Then, if they have all the requirements needed, i have to prepare letter to all of them, informing that are qualified to become the supplier...After they get that confirmation letter saying that their applications has been approved, then they can send the quotation offer to get the tender offered by LPPKN..That's it for 3rd week of my internship..Wait for my next entry yeaahhh~! take care everyone..bubyeeeeeeee

* "It doesn't matter if you try and try and try again, and fail..It does matter if you try and fail, and fail to try again." - Charles F. Kettering.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Hectic week~!

Hello everybody~! hope all of you are doing my classmates,hope ur internship is going well..As for me, this 2nd week of my internship has been so hectic..Oh yeah, i'm already in Financial and Management Services Division..Just a few days in HR (training) department b'coz of changing schedule..I was introduced to Puan Adibah which is the head of department, CC Kak Asiah, Puan Fadzilah, Kak Suzana and to all of staff in Financial & Management Services Division...Puan Adibah explained to me what this department is all about..Honestly, her explanation give me exposure about overall Financial & Management Services Division..I will tell u guys what i have been doing for this whole week..hihi..Kak Suzana said, i must prepared myself b'coz being in this division, i will be busy and tired..My first task in this division is, I have to help Kak Suzana prepared quotation offer (tawaran sebutharga) to companies. Then I have to fax the quotation offer and need to follow up with them..After the suppliers or contractors send their quotation, meetings were held to choose which suppliers is suitable for the tender..Puan Adibah told me that all the business involved, including list of suppliers and price they offered is totally P&C ( private & confidential )..Next task is, I have to handle quotation statement offer (kenyataan tawaran sebutharga) to be advertised in LPPKN website.. Suppliers will notice there is new tenders available when they see the advertisement in LPPKN website...Besides that, I have to prepare technical offer (specification), submission form for sample,catalog or brochures and also bid price schedule form..This week also, I was taught to use Century Financials 7.4 system..Kak Suzana told me that i'm the first student that was given chance to use this system among all the students that have practical / internships here is important here..i was quite suprised with her statements, and proud at the same time, but i will try to use it wisely and keep all the informations P&C..By using this system,staff in this division also can check whether they already pay the local order or not..This system involved of financials modules, treasury, distribution (inventory), HR ( staff loan, staff advance,claims & payroll ) and system admin...I also have to handle company registration so that they can become registered suppliers for LPPKN.. I have to check whether they fulfill requirements needed or not such as they already register with the Ministry of Finance or not and so on ..then, if they have all the requirements needed, i have to prepared letter to them informing that are qualified to become the supplier...I learnt a lot this week, i realize that i experienced and learnt a lot when i do it practically rather than just learn theory..ok then, i think that's it for now..thanks for reading my longgg writing..haha..i'll keep u guys posted ok..ch0w~

arrgghhh hectic week!!! helpppp..hihi.. ;p

* Have a great weekend friends :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

First day!!!

Today 1/11/2010 is the first day of my internship..pretty excited to get started but at the same time i'm sooooooo nervous ! haha..8.55 am I arrived at LPPKN office lobby, get the pass and then heading to HR department for 'LAPOR DIRI' session..then Puan Khuzaimah give briefing about the departments available in LPPKN..i've been placed at HR (training) department first for first task is, i have to call LPPKN officers from other branch to confirm with them about the seminar that will be held next week..communication skills involved here..haha..then encik naz also known as abg naz teach me how to use LPPKN system in order to key in data..many steps that i have to memorize and it's kind of confusing! but after several times ( not several,many times actually! lol ) then i was able to do it..yeay!...staffs here are friendly..i thought 1st day going to be relax, not so many works to be done,but i'm wrong..haha..but it's ok b'coz at least i learnt something..i feel exhausted today maybe b'coz this is the 1st day i'm working & i dont have any working experiences before,but hopefully i'll get used to it...hihi..allright then, need to sleep early b'coz i have to wake up early tomorrow! good night wonderful people!..bubyeeee :)

In front of HR (Training) department..hihi ..

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Heyyyyy everyone..i guess i need to give a lil bit intro here to break the silence..but i wonder how to start it..haha..well, i'm elin! still feeling awkward to write my blog..can anyone teach me how exactly to be a blogger???i mean the real blogger!!! am i sounds serious now? yup,i'm dead serious! hihi..(wink) as y'all can see,my blog title is true colors of me...doesn't it sounds sweet?? (pls agree with me,pls pls..) give me headache to figure out that blog title u know..hahahaahha..the main reason i create this blog is because it is requirement in order  to complete my degree..i need to write about my internship experience..but i'm also gonna write about myself, family, buddies,and anything that i find interesting..kind of random too actually..i'd better stop now before u guys feel annoyed with my a short intro for just wait for my next updates yeahhh..that's it for now..luv u all..chow~

* Have a nice day :)